12 Setbacks to Fix Immediately before Your Late 20’s to be Successful in Life..!!

14 min readJul 7, 2022

Just how many of us Dream to become Successful?

Many of us dream to be successful, and we are striving continuously for it. But very less of us will actually become one as because very few of us has what it takes to become one.

But today let me Disclose some real facts that actually hinder us from getting Successful. And If You overcome these Setbacks I am Sure You will Definitely become Successful and who knows a Millionaire Too.

But Why most of the people will not become Successful?
It’s a Sad reality but true.

So Just Check for these Setbacks in your life and Fix them before its too late.

1. Lack of Higher Purpose

We just feel so intimidated by looking at the fancy cars, Million Dollar Houses they own and many more.

But believe me, when they started out their goal wasn’t those fancy cars or big houses they own. They just are the byproduct of the higher goals that they have set when they started out.

The most important question is not how to become a millionaire but actually Why to become a millionaire?

Most of the millionaires didn’t start off to thinking how to become one and enjoy their wealth on expensive cars and other luxuries. But they had one thing in common, and that is how to uplift their lives and later put an impact upon the masses.

Just Look upto any Millionaire, their system are somehow directly or indirectly affecting the common people’s lives.

2. Lack of Desires & Ambition

Look upto to any successful people doesnt matter be a millionaire or a billionaire, they possess immense Desire and Ambition.

And believe me desires and Ambitions are fuel that drives Purpose. Since majority of the masses lack this specific trait they can’t grow properly from inside as well as outside.

Or even if one possess any, due to the negetive talks of the the negetive people around, these Desires and Ambitions get buried deep inside the person and remain dormant for the rest of person’s lives.

3. Lack of Discipline

The world is actually filled with full of failures who actually lacks discipline and proper planning. Lack of Discipline is perhaps one of the greatest obstacle towards financial success.

There is no such thing as accident or luck, everything comes with shear disciple and perseverance to do the work consistently without slacking. Sometimes it feels like giving up at moments, but in these harsh, torturous moments your discipline will help you keep going.

Opportunities and chances come to everyone, although they don’t come at the same time but they really do, and when they come, lack of vision, financial discipline and the courage to take calculated risks greatly undermines financial success.

Here’s an Article on How to be Successful and Enjoy life at the same time.

4. Lack of Patience

One the most important trait to have to become a millionaire. Yet the most common trait one lacks. In this era of instant gratification, nobody have will to wait even the que for ATM machines, let alone becoming Millionaires.

Let’s suppose you an apple seed at your backyard today. It won’t grow overnight and become an apple tree the very next day.

To enjoy the apples, you need to first sow it in the ground, give water to it and take care of it until it germinates and becomes a small plant first.

Then you take care of it, watering it everyday, checking away the weeds that may grow every often and protect it from insect attacks. All these things needs time, but once the small seed have grown into a full grown Apple tree, it can take care of itself and give u it’s delicious apples year after year.

This is where patience comes into play and becoming a Millionaire My Dear friend, it takes a similiar mindset but an effort of much greater magnitude.

5. Procrastination

Procrastination is like the Weeds that grows between the grasses and if not taken care of, spreads very rapidly destroys the whole plantation.

Most of the people just spent there whole life by just day dreaming and drooling and keep the task in hand to the next day. And Once You start keeping things for the next day, believe me the next day never comes.

Procrastination will not only prevent you from becoming a Millionaire but it also poses a Major threat to every kind of Success a human can achive in their lives irrespective of their career choices.

6. Lack of Focus

If you can focus just sunlight into paper it have the power to burn it to ashes. The frequency of your thoughts are so much powerful that even the lasers would seem like candles, so great are it’s intensity.

So just imagine if you can focus your thoughts and attention into one thing, there are literally nothing and nothing in the world that can stop you from achieving it. Just imagine what you can achive, your inaugurating is the only limitations you will have.

Perhaps the greatest setback one can have to financial success then it’s the lack of Focus.

7. Working hard V/S Working Smart

Most of the people will not become Millionaires as because they don’t know how to work smart. Almost all the Millionaires understand how important and powerful it is to take advantage of leverage.

They emphasis a lot on learning how to take leverage of other people’s time,money and skills and always keep things in automation. Now that is called working smart to achieve goals rather than just working hard. And believe me results come much faster this way.

8. Lack of Consistency

One more important aspect of becoming a millionaire is consistency. And most of the people will not become millionaires because they lack Consistency.

The common trait of a millionaire or a billionaire is that they are consistent with their Ideas, Products or Services. They may update or develop but the cure concepts remains same.

And being consistent is one of the hardest skill that one can ever have. It takes a lot of dedication, discipline and effort to be consistent which most of the people will fail to have. Becoming a millionaire becomes more difficult for them.

9. Not Having a Learning Attitude

Well, for most of the people learning stops as soon as one graduate from college or university. Then he gets into the rat race and gets involved into with so much that the forget realize importance of keep learning.

As we all know learning is never finished, always learn something new everyday even if you are at an age of 65. And the millionaires understand this fact very well so that keeps on the habit learning life long on a daily basis so that they never go outdated.

10. Fear of Failures

Fear of failures is one of the most toughest roadblock forever to do anything in life that involves risk. Our brain is programmed to keep ourselves in our comfort zone, but when we try to build and accumulate wealth it includes getting out of our comfort zone and getting into the red zone.

Since we were habituated in our own bubble and never imagine ourselves getting out of that bubble as soon as you try to do new things fear of failures kicks in.

At that point of time one can either accept the fear but gather some courage, calculate the risks involved go ahead embracing failure or can just sit in his/her comfort zone and be happy with that.

Most of the people are the latter one and never able to accumulate enough wealth for themselves. But the one who defeats the fear of failure and achieve success in spite of many failures and become millionaires.

11. Time Management Issues

Almost every single person in this world complain about time management. But believe me guys, the people who learns how to manage their time effectively and productively are sure shot becoming a millionaire one day.

But the sad reality is that most of the people don’t know how to manage their time. You have only 24 hours in a day in which 8 hours you need to sleep and 8 hours you need to work or go to school and college.

16 hours already gone and you had only 8 hours now left within your hand. Now you can spend these 8 hours by watching television on Netflix or beer party at your local pub.

And people still complain they don’t have time in their hand. You just need to set your priorities properly and you will see that you have plenty of time to use efficiently to become a millionaire.

The basic difference between a rich and a poor person mainly depends on this very factor.

Now how you will use these 8 hours of your day is totally upto you. You can ascend towards succes & wealth or descend towards failure and poverty. The choice is yours.

Read this Article ion Time Management for more.

12. Choosing bad financial Models.

Since most of the people just neglect financial education they will never learn how to select the most beneficial financial vehicles.

As a result of which they consult to financial advisors, unaware of the fact that these very financial advisors also need advices from the experts.

As a result of which these people hardly get hold of a proper financial vehicle. And thus these kind of people never even come close to becoming a millionaire. Now if you want to become a millionaire too then now you know what not to do.

Get some good books, expand your knowledge and expertise, have a higher purpose in life get started. Be consistent with their efforts and don’t you give up and surely one day will come when you would be a millionaire.

The Major difference between the rich and the poor people is not the education, skill, talent, or even luck.

Its the Difference in their Mindset.

Give a poor mindset person $100,000 and he will spend it all in the next 1 to 2 years.

But give the same $100,000 to a rich mindset person, he would have come up with a system that would make him $100,000 every year and eventually scale it up to Millions annually someday.

Frankly speaking, most of the people don’t have the mindset of a millionaire. That’s Why most of the people just after graduating from colleges or universities still seek for jobs instead of chasing the entrepreneural dream which may be laden with risks, but gives you the greatest opportunity to become millionaires.

So What kind of mindset is common to every successful person?

It is actually interesting to think and wonder why some people are more successful than others. add the following and particular thinking pattern I have the land any kind of magic formula that works for them all the time that keeps them boosting their excellence again and again.

Well it’s actually not just any magic formula but if someone loves then he would be successful all the time. Every bit of success that you see around the successful people they have worked very hard for it, spending endless nights in my crazy. Still these are not reasons why the successful. Working hard is part of the process what the main protagonist here is the mindset.

Almost every single successful person in this planet have a certain kind of mindset in common. And that they haven’t inherited from birth but developed over time. This kind of mindset is suddenly difficult to culture but but impossible. You can to develop these kind of mindset and you can achieve success to as you start thinking like one of them.

Instead look at how Successful People’s Mindset works.

1. Embracing Failure

2. Embracing themselves

3. Not leaving things to Luck

4. Not getting distracted by Problems

5. Being Decisive all the Time and understanding their Priorities

6. Never Stop Learning

7. Setting Targeted goals and tracking their work to achieve them

So these are the few ways How all successful people think.

Now let Us understand them Well in Detail…

1. Embracing Failure Positively

Most of us don’t even start anything due to fear of failure. And we remain there the same place where we are lifelong.

But these successful people, they don’t fear failure. Instead they think as if Failure is the stepping stone to success. When you fail, it gives an opportunity to become more aware of the problems and the weaknesses upon which one and work more and convert that weakness into strength.

Eventually obtaining success. These successful people know this very well that failure is always the part of success, if you are not used to failing then you could never ever achieve success.

2. Embracing Yourself Completely

Often it’s heard from common people that their luck is not good, they are not talented, don’t have money, didn’t got any opportunity are their upbringing were not that good and so many other reasons not to achieve higher feats in their lives.

These Successful people even at the time when they have no money, no resources, no good upbringing, they don’t complain about anything.

They simply accept these things as they are and work so hard overcome these obstacles, ultimately reaching success after encountering a lot of failures.

See it doesn’t matter whether you are rich or poor by birth, it all boils down to just few things; your mindset, desires and consistent efforts until you actually hit the success.

For the other people who don’t achieve success as they lay still in their sofas watching television and eating pizzas just give you an excuse that these people were just lucky enough to achive success, without actually seeing the grind behind it.

You can’t embrace yourself until you are aware of you and your emotions. Here’s an Article on How to Increase Self Awareness and learn how to be more attentive to yourself.

3. Successful people never leave things to Luck.

Successful people never waits passively for things to happen magically and everything to be done all of its own. The take charge of the situation and do the necessary things that needed to be done. The fact is refusing to leave things of its own indicates a very strong will, inner strengths and decisiveness.

And believe me, incredible things can happen once decide to take control of what controls you and what you can control and let go of rest.

4. Not getting distracted by Problems.

Any person’s life problems arises a number of times throughout his whole life. What one should not be demotivated by these problems.

Most of the people just complain about the problems in life and in the midst of this problem they just forgot that they also have a life to live. One such great mindset of successful people is that they don’t treat problems as problems but as opportunities to grow in certain areas.

It is said that when you focus on problems you only get problems but when you focus on opportunities you open a new window from where even if you encounter problems you will be able to find out more opportunities within the problems.

5. Being Decisive all the time and Understanding their Priorities.

Successful people are always very good decision maker. Let me tell you how these people take decisions. These people never actually take decisions on behalf of their emotions, the first taken all the information needed and then compile it according to their needs and priorities and then competition which would be best for the situation.

Most of the time these decisions are always right even if the decisions that they took him to be wrong they don’t feel guilty about it. They just analyze the situation and learn from it never repeat the same mistake again.

They always look forward to the decision positively level in the mind instruct to them that they should have taken the other option.

Understand one thing, good decisions comes from good judgement, good judgement comes from experience and experience comes from a lot of bad decisions.

6. Mindset to Never Stop Learning

To Successful person it had never ever came to him that he had known everything. He or She is always hungry for knowledge, experience or anything that can improve his knowledge that would be unbiased, fresh and lead them towards growth and development.

You also try to become like this and be a learner lifelong. You don’t need colleges or universities to learn. They are there for giving you a degree that you can put on your wall. Become a student of life and see where it takes you.

Here’s an Article on How to have a Growth Mindset.

7. Setting targeted goals and tracking your work to achieve them.

Well having your dream is wonderful but achieving your dream is beautiful and fulfilling. But to achieve your dream you need proper planning and execution.at the successful people know this very well and give a lot of emphasis to this particular matter.

The set targeted goals for short term, mid terms and long terms and continuously keep track of what they are doing and what they are not doing. This helps them achieve their goal faster. Then they work religiously, consistently following their plans and execution methods never give up on their dream and waver away. And this dedication leads them to success.

And we as a commoner Just wonder in awe how they do it. But truly speaking there is no secret formula or any magic pill that will give you success overnight.

If you want to achieve anything, you need to have a burning desire to achieve it. Visualize it every single day along with proper planning and execution.

Digest Deeply whatever you read today in this post and bring into the necessary Changes that You feel You Need to Bring About. Only this way with Perseverance and Consistency you could taste success too.

